Weaving Ways

Workshops & Classes – BioEnergetics – Mentoring

Workshops & Classes

Workshops and Classes include Biography Classes, book studies and experiential workshops. This is a new time, and there is much to explore and experience — through our lives, our bodies and the works of leaders in spiritual and scientific growth and development. Are you feeling ‘thirsty for more depth’ in your understanding? Join us for one of the classes below!


Being alive means we have energy in our body — and through BioEnergetics, we can optimize our life experience and sense of well-being, through proven practices and protocols. As a BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) and Spiritual B.E.S.T. practitioner, Susan Lyon has tools to help you experience relief and rejuvenation. Through working with the whole human being, you can enhance your health and well-being — and life can flow with more grace and ease! To inquire about a private session, please send a note, using the Contact page.


Life is an opportunity for continuous growth and learning, and there are times when the presence of another simply makes all the difference. Mentoring from Susan means that for this time along your journey, you will have an abiding presence, a sounding board, and another who is looking with you at the big picture. Areas of Mentoring include Parenting, LifeWays Early Childhood & Human Development Training, Anthroposophical Studies, and Life itself.

To inquire about a Mentoring relationship, please send a note using the Contact page. I look forward to hearing from you!